The Positive of this DARK Age

It was clear after the media refused to call the “rioters” who captured the U.S. Capital the “coup” attempt that it clearly was, that psychopathic criminals are now in power. We always new it… but at least they’d tried to put a “Democratic” face on it before. Then Republicans kicked out Rep. Liz Cheney as House Republican Conference Chair. The daughter of the Darth Vader-ish former Vice President Dick Cheney who led Americans into eight years of a big war, costly war—under false pretenses, apparently wasn’t close enough to Hitler for the rest of the Republican house to tolerate.

The country–the world–continues to have a feel of darkness that leads to a point of un-stainability not even planet earth can contain. Environmental catastrophe is on the horizon, corporate corruption is worldwide, Fundamentalist clergy lie openly, political corruption is everywhere, and every family with someone addicted to drugs and or alcohol. The number of Americans on psych meds (or need to be) is so high Mental Health Associations never report correct statistics … yet mass shootings continue to the point where after San Jose VTA employee Samuel Cassidy went Postal on his job last week killing 10 before killing himself, Gov. Newsome asked harshly, “What the hell is the matter with us?”

I was watching Russell Brand interview David Lynch sum of out current age of darkness from a Vedic, historical view. Evil is contagious… and it’s noting new and it appears that we’re living in one of the most Evil periods of history. There have been Dark Ages before… but the 1300’s were primarily dark for Europe. (Before the African and Arab Moor’s established the first universities on the European Continent.)

For those of us who’ve looked at this time with despair and hopelessness… there does appear to be a method in the madness and an opportunity for us to grow in this time, instead of sink like so many around us are doing.

The world is no longer ignorant. Maybe spiritually and psychologically ignorant… but not intellectual. In fact, technology has far surpassed the techies who are assigned the tasks to dream up draconian ideas like Brain Wave controlling technology designed by psychopaths like Elon Musk and others so devoid of feeling and immature they dream of controlling humans remotely. These “scientist” are so socially/spiritually broken they lust to invade even the minds of those they fear.. and everyone else.

The Oligarchs love to trot out movies that brag on what they’re doing before the numbed out public are conscious of it

So… we can assume they’ve already implemented such technologies and have been using them. Spiritual Health is synonymous with Mental Health, and this is a crazy, insane time where the harvest only appears to reap darker karma. The videos and links above illustrate a few of the hands on the elephant or reasoning and increasing confusion. But it’s all speculation. Framing it in a more rational … survivable way is to understand what Buddhist filmmaker David Lynch talked about when he described The Four Yugas.

We live in time–and time lives within us. (READ: “The Holy Science.“) In the field of Relativity, everything has a life span—some really short, some very, very long. Hinduism records history in cycles of Ages. Each cycle lasts for 4,320,000 years (12,000 divine years) and repeats four yugas (dharmic ages):

  • Satya Yuga,
  • Treta Yuga,
  • Dvapara Yuga,
  • and Kali Yuga.

We live in the 4th Yuga… the period of time when the development of humans is at it’s LOWEST. Why we ask is there so MUCH Evil in the world today… and why does it look like the Karma of this evil will only get WORSE?

Yes, this IS the time that belongs to the Goddess Kali.  

Think of it symbolically — just like the jet streams that cool the earth when it gets too hot, so to are forces that compel us to raise our consciousness when we become too low, debase, and evil. The Goddess Kali is a symbol for such a force in nature. She is purifying as many as possible. Anything in the external world is a distraction. The salvation is focus ONLY on the Light. Nothing in this world is real… all is a distraction keeping us from remembering our humanness … our love and connection to each other and to nature.

Ironically in this darkest time on earth, we can progress much quicker than at the other time by holding the Christ or Buddha in your heart all day and chanting the name of God all day. The Name of God is, “I AM” (… I and my Father are One.)  I am that I am are One.  

She is depicted as such a terrible, frightening force because She is Mother Nature. We are in such a dark time within a dark age that Kali is purifying everything as She moves to a higher level of light. Purifying mind, consciousness,  

So Kali and Mara are the LEADING Time Spirits of this Dark Age. 

We are living in a time where Ignorance, corruption, blind narcissism, immaturity, grandiosity, bullying, narrow-mindedness, and evil are the Zeitgeists of the era. Evil begets more evil. So… the only way out– is UP.

“The secrete to limiting the amount of suffering we experience daily is to extend our ability to transcend the suffering. Each day we transcend daily, through meditating, yoga, prayer or some other practice. Through this, they begin to expand whatever amount of consciousness they had to begin with. This expansion of consciousness translates into intelligence, creativity, happiness, love, energy, power, and peace… all positives. If a person grows daily in these qualities and the side effects is that negativity recedes from their life… and in the middle of a Dark Age, they become a brighter light. (They should always be aware that darkness ALWAYS attacks the Light.) The end result is Enlightenment.” ~David Lynch

Below is text from the interview with David Lynch posted above:

  1. Sat (Satya) Yuga is the first and best age, and called, “the age of truth or sincerity.” It is 100% bliss—a Golden Age. Humans lived to either 1,728 or 100,000 years during this period.   

“The Satya Yuga, in Hinduism, is the first and best of the four Yugas in a Yuga Cycle, preceded by Kali Yuga of the previous cycle and followed by Treta Yuga. Satya Yuga is known as the age of truth, when humanity is governed by gods, and every manifestation or work is close to the purest ideal and humanity will allow intrinsic goodness to rule supreme. It is sometimes referred to as the “Golden Age”. The Satya Yuga lasts 1,728,000 years or 4800 divine years. The god Dharma, which symbolizes morality, stood on all four legs during this period. Later on in the Treta Yuga, it would become three, followed by two in the Dvapara Yuga. Currently, in the immoral age of Kali, it stands on one leg.” 

2. Next age is Treta Yuga and it’s 75% as long as Satya Yuga and it is 75% bliss and 25% non-bliss. (75% positive and 25% negative.) People lived to be 10,000 years old.  

3. Then it’s the Dvapara Yuga and it’s 50% bliss/ 50% non-bliss. This age is half the length of Sata Yuga. 

4. And last is Kali Yuga, the shortest of the four Yugas and people live to be a quarter of Satya Yuga. People live to be about 100 years old and it’s 75% non-bliss, and only 25% bliss (and it can dwindle down to 0% bliss) and the period last 432,000 years. (We are in the Kali Yuga Cycle and we’re only 5,000 years into it right now.) It’s a tough time of suffering… but we all deserve to be here right now. We possibly do have a recess period. 

We’re leaving the Piscean Age and going into the Age of Aquarius … which MIGHT signal 2,000 years of peace.”

Black Genocide Has Begun

No longer is it a theory or a fear. Clearly we are IN America’s Genocide Against Blacks. What more proof do you need??

  • Abortion is the leading cause of Black American deaths. If you have a culture that doesn’t teach young men to be good fathers and husbands, and women to be good, kind, compassionate mothers, an unwed mother is likely to choose abortion rather than bring a black child into this current mess.
  • Homicide is far and away the leading cause of death for young black men
  • Car accidents, suicide and diseases follow
  • Cancer from “New Pimp” type cigarettes causes at least 12 types of cancer. Cancers linked to tobacco use make up 40% of all cancers diagnosed
  • Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death among African Americans. The risk of developing diabetes is 30–40% higher for cigarette smokers than nonsmokers. ( How “Kool” is that?)
  • Alcoholism, and Drug Addition

But those can be chalked up to lifestyle and the self-medicating despair caused by increased economic and social racism. But this isn’t the 1960s. The super rich have called in science, technology, and social engineering for the sole purpose of eliminating blacks from this country… and the world.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung wrote that, “Only tortured people torture” so the people behind this, are obviously very twisted and undeveloped “human beings.”

This isn’t Civil Rights– it’s genocide. They began using new tactics in 1980. Blacks are the “Sacrificed Horse” that rich white men and women are offering up. M. Scott Peck wrote, “Mental health is synonymous with spiritual health.” There are energies inside of us that if we don’t deal with them the ways our forefathers and foremothers knew how, they will distort us and lead us to our own destruction. The old myths of America are useless. “The American Dream” has turned into a bankrupt nightmare and everyone should know, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is a false fantasy no one can do. Humans are social animals and by myself– I self destruct.

We Need Each Other More Than Ever

But we have to start NOW at reversing the false beliefs that have been thrown at us and healing the traumas that we’ve done to each other. No matter what you do, you will never be “white” enough to survive a Holocaust nor survive deep oppression unscathed. White America is in danger of destroying themselves in pursuing this path. Look at what has happened to every nation that committed Holocaust:

  • Cambodia is a hot mess– because in the 60s, Pol Pot thought it was a good idea to kill off all the smart people. A nation full of dumb people is not a fun place to be.
  • The U.S. Army enlisted lighter skinned Filipinos during the Spanish American War, to “kill everyone under the age of 12.” The original inhabitants of the Philippines were black Aetas often called, “Negritos” and many were slaughtered. The legacy of racism and brutalism continues today in the Philippines–a nation known to eat its young– with their President Duarte– an extremely twisted man– who claims to have cured himself of homosexuality and deals with drug addiction with death squads, murdering his own citizens, when addiction is known everywhere to be a FAMILY and Cultural problem. You can’t kill your way to health… but that’s what comes from Right Wing “thinking” and a history of atrocities.
  • Indonesia. Even though Christians kill more people than any other religion, Muslim Indonesia invaded Black West Papua, New Guinea over fifty years ago and the Indonesian security forces have committed a never ending catalogue of extreme human rights violations. Over 500,000 civilians have been killed in a genocide against the indigenous population. Thousands more have been raped, tortured, imprisoned or ‘disappeared’ after being detained. The result is that Indonesia has a history of brutality amongst its own people and the culture is extremely warped.
  • Germany. There are many nations that have committed atrocities and genocide, but Germany is one of the recent worst. It has taken them decades to restore their soul. America isn’t even close to completing the mental and spiritual healing that bred psychopathy within the DNA of many of its citizens after slaughtering millions of Native Americans and Africans brought over during the Middle Passage.
  • Africa. Yes, the Motherland is full of man’s inhumanity to man. Full of atrocities and genocides. Look what they did to our forefathers and mothers–sold us into slavery for trinkets. They are STILL paying for it.

Jungian therapist Robert Moore said:

“Evil is an archetype and a REAL force in the universe. Once it touches you, you never go unchanged.” It’s an EXTREMELY adolescent idea that you can commit evil– and not be infected by it.

Stop worshiping Evil. Never let yourself be defined by someone else’s Shadow!

Look at the many drug epidemics throughout white, “Middle America” going on right now that won’t ever be fully addressed because they are in denial of the roots of problems that run through White America. The super rich have never liked poor whites and it appears that MANY whites are being killed off too… but perhaps out of the fear of alarming them to what’s happening to them, all the focus is kept on “Black People.” are medicating a myriad of problems, but they’d rather put the blame on Black people.

There’s a fentanyl epidemic, a heroin epidemic, a Meth epidemic, and an OxyContin “hillbilly heroin” epidemic that looks like they’re killing more white people than black! In some parts of Appalachian communities and throughout the Rust Belt, Opioid addiction has emerged as such a major crime problem, that in some places it’s estimated that drug addiction is behind 80% of the crime.

But YOU are being offered up as sacrifice for “the” problem. Instead of making Mainstream America aware that there are so many whites being killed off that some areas report they have problems keeping up with the funerals everywhere in the media (esp. online) we’re bombarded with black drug addicts and black criminals. We cannot afford to look the other way. We don’t have time to keep being scapegoats. We have to work on ourselves and stop reacting to dumbshyt like some politician in black face. (JUST STOP) Or some white woman with a cornrow hairstyle. JUST STOP.

We have to take back what the church was supposed to offer. The “Royal Table to which ALL were called,” was in the hands of churches and temples, but the priest and clergy corrupted it with Sexism, Racism, MONEY, greed, Homophobic fears, and status. We HAVE to create what we need– it will not come from the very dysfunctional “Secrete Society” types who are successfully engineering our genocide without ever picking up a gun themselves.

“Every problem is an opportunity in work clothes.” ~ Henry J. Kaiser

Quite as it’s kept, Psychedelic Therapy is being used in rituals and healing ceremonies for healing PTSD, pouring off grief, and women’s ceremonies for, “Healing The Womb.” Wherever there is depression and problems… those are areas of opportunities for us to make ourselves the “Go-To” group for handling it.

  • Foster Children– too many of those kids are OURS. If we started more non-profit mentoring agencies to help them, not only would we be paid, but when those children came of age, they’d be ready to protect and revitalize black neighborhoods and the culture rather than angrily and foolishly do even more damage to it and themselves.
  • HIV/AIDS, Syphilis and other STDs. The HIV epidemic in the Black community is one of the biggest underreported stories of the past few decades. African-Americans make up just under 14 percent of the United States’ population but represent 44 percent of all new HIV cases. We have to mature our thinking around sexuality. All these people going to prison along with the increase of Meth addiction and other substances that increase sexual appetites means more “Down Low” secrete, toxic, traumatized sexuality. Every YEAR, Congress, State, and County dollars are sent out waiting for anyone with a Non-profit to grab the money and serve targeted populations like this. Not addressing the REAL sexuality in our communities means we continue to become infected, infect others, and die from the lies.
  • Service. As much serving as we’ve done, we should be THE people who know how to serve others. Just as you give your guest the BEST in your house that you have to offer… best sheets to sleep on, best dishes to eat off, etc… Regardless if it’s a small coffee and cake shack you open, or an Airbnb room you’re renting, practicing treating others as you wish to be treated isn’t just good business– it matures your emotions and your psyche.

Black Lives Don’t Matter if You’re Not Producing Something The Larger Culture Can Use

Humans are the only animals that require a mythology… as a operating system. Without it, we have what we see in the United States today–insanity and mayhem. We no longer have a common myth that maps out how to love ourselves and relate to each other. Even worse, if you try and talk to a “stranger” in the grocery store, you’ll most likely be met with a silent glare of fear because too many have grown up bonded to their phones and computer screens–and not to other people. The screen doesn’t kick it with you. The screen doesn’t give back a witty comment that both can laugh at. If people have no “Relating Factor” (SEE: psychologist Alfred Adler) then we can’t talk… and if we can’t talk, we can’t solve the problems facing us.

It’s proven that you like whatever music you hear most. The CIA controlled media shoves “Celebrity Culture” at young people. Celebrity culture is empty and says teaches people to laugh at anyone who is honest. You cannot Individuate… become your true self, if you cannot be honest. That CIA controlled media also tells young blacks that their highest goal should be to become a criminal. That’s like volunteering to be the first to walk into the Nazi ovens. To be a criminal is to destroy highest self, to render yourself an untrustworthy sociopath, doomed to a life medicated with drugs, alcohol, and whatever brutal sex you can find. To be a criminal is to become a slave… never to realize your highest potential and live your happiest life. We HAVE to take our culture back… from those who mean us absolutely no good.

Here are some BASIC things we desperately need to do for our survival:

Black Mothers– Yes you DO need a man. A boy raised with the over emotionalism of being beat and yelled at and threatened results in an Oscar Grant… a male who cannot control the adrenaline cursing through his body even when the police have him down on the ground, with a knee in his back, handcuffed, and guns drawn on him. The result is he continues to yell– sometimes resist… resulting in the dumb-Nazi’s happiness at the opportunity of killing him.

All this “Emotionalism” is basically Borderline Personality Disorder that comes out of abandonment and abuse, and it creates males who cannot control their tempers and other emotions. Such behavior is contrary to mature masculine manhood… and it’s getting black people killed. DO NOT FIGHT Nazi Police!

Every culture knows the importance of Sacrifice. In Christianity, it is the story of Jesus feeding the masses with fishes and loafs. Even an incomplete sacrifice to your God and/or to your family and culture is rewarded. Right now, America is using US for it’s sacrifice.

You can’t win a war if you continue to face the wrong targets. Stop reacting to their dumb shyt and start rebuilding OUR strength. America’s genocide against blacks won’t be won with 1960s rhetoric nor tactics. We have to up our game… because the stakes are much, much higher. It’s no longer about being second class citizens… it’s about survival.

Look at Why Immigrants are Succeeding

Instead of being jealous and hating, take a long honest look at why some immigrant communities are succeeding where we’re dying.

Yes, Corporate America is bringing Hispanics in to replace us. But why? Forget the racism for a minute. I walk through the VA Hospital and I see IMMIGRANT Latinos working HARD. They go to work to show how irreplaceable they are. Too many of us go to work just to hurry up and get off work. Take a look at where we’re broken and become innovative in fixing it. Look at how Asian communities love and support each other instead of jealously (and FOOLISHLY) attacking them. You already know Korporate Nazi Media is eager to paint us in the WORST possible light, teach others not to volunteer to be, “Fool Of The Day” and pick up your game instead of picking up childish rocks to throw.

Peace and Blessings to all. Drop the chest beating narcissism and BUILD yourselves and each other. Make yourself valuable to self and others–that’s how we stay on the planet.

Your Slavery and Genocide is Close

Evil is ripening.
How much devastation do you have to experience before you see that you need to take a different path?

After World War II, the American military brought back as many high ranking Nazi scientist and Intelligence officers that they could. The CIA was formed by combining these Nazis and U.S. Military Intelligence together. The CIA has had a huge, impact on the lives of Americans–especially Black Americans.

We thought the future danger was going to be a Right Wing Corporate State. Many of us even thought that the future would go further and become a technical nightmarish Technocracy… but actually it’s much worse than either of those… at this stage, it appears that a Sciencetocracy for genetically “Superior” humans is what looms in front of us.

Anyone who has even briefly hung out with physicists and other scientist learn that most are geeks devoted to making the world a better place… BUT, too many never learn how to go home and talk to their wives and children. In short, a world THEY are comfortable in… a world that sees Blacks primarily as dancing thugs who’ve chosen to, “Let’s Get Stupid” rather than engineer an mature and productive life for themselves. Combined this with the push for universities to exclude Black students which leads to the exclusion of blacks involved in science, bioengineering, artificial intelligence, and physics. What we see then is a future where blacks are relegated to be sacrificed to the technological gods of the future by non-black people who never developed their souls nor matured their inner relating-factor. Let me simplify that… we’re living in a time when technology and bioscience has far exceeded the maturity of the scientist, bioengineers, and physicists who are making our future.

You are now looking at:

  1. A “Scientocracy” that has given up reversing Climate Change and Over-Population. (The super rich have always regarded over-population as one of its greatest fears) and instead they like the idea of attaching Brain Scanners connected to Artificial Intelligence that can read your dreams and insert thoughts into your head while you sleep.
  2. A future where there are too many American Nazi types in closed rooms deciding a future that is as doom to catastrophe for the victims of genocide as it all ways has been for those who perpetrate such morally degenerate crimes. We’re in 2021, and they haven’t gotten over the illusion of a Nazi 4th Reich. (Hitler got the idea of Eugenics from America.)
  3. A technical nightmarish technocracy that deprives its citizens of all privacy and all paths to Individuation.

Sounds Absurd To You?

  • What group of “White People” are the largest ethnic group in the United States? Germans. The history of German American Nazism is long and deep.
  • German Nazis also fled to South America and Mexico– where many of their descendants still live in German Nazi enclaves … or camps that are both separate and co-mingling with South American native populations to this day. Throughout Latin America, Germans have had a large influence on culture.
  • The CIA was formed by combining inviting former Nazi high ranking Intelligence officers and scientist to join with the U.S. Army’s OSS ( Office of Strategic Services) in 1947. Kennedy warned about a “Military Industrial Corporate Complex” … yet we continue to believe, “ahh… dey wouldn’t do that…” while their experiments of terror and barbaric murder and enslavement (Privatized Prison Industry) continues to ravage our people.
  • Many now speculate that, “the parasite has outgrown the host.” The list of “Black Ops” projects secretly developed by the CIA and associated military units are long. We now live in a time when they arrogantly, BOLDLY flaunt their power.
  • Remember when Richard Pryor said, “They’re going to get them some NEW niggers?” HORDS of illegal Mexican, Central Americans and other Hispanics flood our cities daily with no intention of being friends with us. We foolishly “support” them thinking that they are, “poor people of color” who have a right to our homes and our jobs… while they laugh as they, “Push (us) Out” with Corporate and obviously, “Deep State” approval. And where do we end up? Homeless camps or addicted and insane living on the streets.
  • Negative Rap and Hip Hop has always been a CIA sponsored product. Hollywood and the CIA are basically propaganda and PsyOps machines. No other “music genre” has been so devastating to the hearts and minds of Blacks … and other young people who embrace negative Rap as “hip.” No other “art form” has danced so many into death, prisons, addiction, and mental illness.
  • Black people before 1980 and AFTER 1980 are very different cultures. You HAVE to be aware of what values you are embracing. It’s said that Hip Hop / Rap’s beat is very hypnotic … and once dancing to it, its lyrics hypnotize the listener. Besides, WHO … is crazy or illiterate enough to believe that being a Criminal is the highest thing in life to aspire to???
  • Plus, there are Hz Frequencies that heal and connect you positively to the Universe, and Hz Frequency that hurt your body and that can actually kill you if listened to long enough. Every cell in your body is susceptible to tones that affect your body and mind in positive or negative ways. MOST of Rap and Hip Hop’s music is created on NEGATIVE Hz Frequencies. “Don’t manifest against the Universe.
  • Such people end up not knowing who they are because being a “Criminal” what you DO– not WHO YOU ARE. Prison IS modern day slavery. Once you enter its walls, you lose your 13th Amendment Rights. You become– A SLAVE. Such traumatized people are turned into untrustworthy Sociopaths who like acid, slowly erode what’s left of a devastated community. More, “Divide and Conquer”… and more Personality Disorders and Mental Illness.
  • Every person is vulnerable to experiencing at least one mental illness or Personality Disorder in their life. Prison is traumatizing. Psychopaths are born, and Sociopaths are created. Trying to survive by embracing values that are Evil and demonic turns you into a Sociopath. Such a life traumatizes the individual and those around him or her. Going through trauma is not rare. About 6 of every 10 men (or 60%) and 5 of every 10 women (or 50%) experience at least one trauma in their lives.

There are worse things than death. Criminality has a huge effect on your mental health. Unfortunately there is an undeniable presence of mental illness in criminal history. There’s also a huge link between Criminality and Addiction and Alcoholism. Have you ever witnessed the grandiose, entitled behavior of an alcoholic? It can take years of treatment (i.e. 12-Steps) for alcoholics and addicts to get to the point where they can SEE themselves and how their aberrant behavior as being self-inflicted. Usually, they have to first heal earlier traumas so begin to mature their emotions and approach adult behaviors.

Guilt at having become the victim of crime and feelings one could have prevented it (whether or not this was at all possible). Psychological effects such as anger, depression or fear, which, in serious cases, can cause sleeplessness, flashbacks to the offence or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We find that crime causes considerable mental distress for residents, primarily driven by property crime. Effects are stronger for females, and mainly related to depression and anxiety.

Find Your Purpose

This is almost a cliché. “What do I want to do with my life,” many young people ask? Find your purpose. Like the Georgia Tech black professor talking to an M.I.T. friend says… “it may have to be secondary– but find out what you’re most passionate in life, and pursue it.” What they fail to clarify is, make sure it’s a POSITIVE passion or else it will drive your life into the ground, and it that purpose is, “music,” make sure you learn how to play an instrument so that your attraction is not just about adolescent ego and empty narcissism.

“Art Imitates Life and Life Imitates Art.”

The idea that being a “Criminal” is “Black” is absurd and insane bullshit. In the 80s, policies of, “Too Much Democracy” were implemented to keep blacks, women, students, LGBTQ people and even Unions from protesting against fascist, racist, Classist, and homophobic policies. Black women invented mathematics. (NOT the Greeks nor Romans… because the Pyramids were built 5,000 years before there were any organized people on the planet known as, “Greeks and Romans.”) As Professor Kame Kamene puts it, what Gen X, Y, and Z, see as, “acting white” … is actually acting BLACK because Africans are the ancestors who peopled the world, brought the first universities to Europe (… the “Dark Ages” were only dark to Europeans..) and the Arabs and Sub-Saharan Moors are responsible for so much architecture and more science than any want to acknowledge. Why?

“Every Claim to Superiority is an Admission of Inferiority”

Freud (who gets a bad rap) showed us the first level of the mind of the West– Power and Self-Gratification.

Alfred Adler was one of the three fathers of Western Psychology. Adler shows us that the Relating Factor is the next maturing of our personalities. Aldler watched patients and observed that the more they criticized others (and themselves)… the crazier they were. If I spend more time being against my neighbor instead of trying to get along with him or her– it is I who has a Personality Disorder.. and in this time of Reconquista and Nazi Deep State dreams of a Fourth Riech … and Russians and Chinese doing all they can to divide our American House (“… a house divided cannot stand…”) we are poised for an INSANE future of genocide and “culling the herd.”

Carl Jung tells us that to be HUMAN, we have to grow up and go beyond culture to Individuate. We also desperately need a spiritual “container” to hold the unseen forces that can destroy a psyche. “Spiritual health is synonomymous with mental health,” and anyone going through problems (mental and/or addictive) that doesn’t have a Spiritual belief is in the, “Cannot Be Healed” category.

The Social Engineers of this culture have giving us, an Orwellian (1984) reality. They’ve also given us phone screens, Internet screens, and “Celebrity Culture” that tells the masses that anyone who tells the truth is a fool and must be humiliated off screen. You cannot heal if you cannot tell the truth about yourself and what you’ve experienced. Who else says it’s foolish to tell the truth? Yep– Criminals. CNBH. (Can-Not-Be-Healed.) Millions led to self-destruction … as they cull the herd.


Your “job” in life is not to have fun, sex, nor to solely acquire, “Bling.” Your job is to bring the next generation to sexual maturity… as healthy and productive as possible. With so many of us driven into poverty and homelessness, this seems like a Herculean objective. BUT NO… “every problem is an opportunity in Work Clothes.” (Henry J. Kaiser)

  • There will be more disasters (natural and un-natural). Get with some buddies and go into some form of a disaster business. People need food? Get a food handler’s license and a couple of rental trucks and provide it for them.
  • Live in a Flood Zone? Get you some old boats and plan to shuttle fresh water and rescue people.
  • Earthquake Zone? Train Cadaver dogs instead of stupidly teaching that poor dog to fight.
  • Homeless? Gather some of them hustlers and put your dimes together and rent a cheap storefront, and start a thrift store. [NOTE: You can’t use Criminals can you… because “Criminals” will steal from each other.”]
  • Warriors — The job of the young warriors has ALWAYS been to protect the village– not destroy it. This is why every culture needs its Elders.
  • Elders— it takes a LOT of blessings for a man to bring his gifts to the table. How are young men, “Blessed?” By older men. They are the ones who provide encouragement and “spit game.” Without Elders, a culture dies. Today’s youth are told to fight their Elders instead of listen to them.
  • Mental Illness— create circles that heal trauma and mental illness. The State, Feds and Counties allocate hundreds of RFPs (Request For Proposal) yearly to provide services that are needed. With a Masters in Social Work, you can serve any population and make six figures doing it… and hire conscientious, trustworthy friends at the same time. (“Thugs” not qualified … unless they change and grow up.)
  • Got a Criminal Record? That can be money in the bank if you CHANGE. Every college has a program for prior offenders to get a degree or certificate. No one can convince a harden population better than those who’ve been there. HUGE money in Substance Abuse, Mental Illness, and Foster Care. Also Hospice for LGBTQ populations. Stop the bullshit– those are OUR PEOPLE. By caring for others, YOU heal.
  • Grow MicrogreensWatch this video that shows how to make $100,000 a year growing Microgreens. Want to help create healing circles? There are increasing numbers of States and cities where Magic Mushrooms are being legalized. They are cheap and easy to learn how to grow.
  • Come out of Isolation. Isolation breeds depression, paranoia, and metal illness. Doing almost any project TOGETHER breeds success. There’s a tall tree in Santa Cruz where some young guys got together and put a huge, lit, “Peace” sign that graces the city every night. They had to come up with a plan, gather the money to buy the supplies, search out tree climbers, and learn how to light the sign without electrocuting themselves nor burning down the tree. A POSITIVE pursuit instead of one the weakened the city. Accomplishing this not only raised their self-esteem, but established a bond that allows them to accomplish bigger and better, more profitable endeavors in the future.

Our Dilemma was Powerlessness

POWER. Do Black Lives Matter? Not if they don’t produce anything of value. Stop being someone else’s “Shadow.” Find other ways to be, powerful. The teenage, “Thug” is a fool easily destroyed. Mature power is not just being in control of yourself, and knowing how to be a parent and husband or adult, healthy wife, it’s creating something that others need.

Mow your lawn, paint your house, and create safety in your neighborhoods again. We have the same houses that others do. Without a good husband, the son doesn’t learn these things so women, yes you DO need a man. By buying cheap homes few want, and fixing them up, you create wealth for yourselves. You can even build a team and start a carpet laying business or attend a Junior College and learn carpentry classes.

Power comes from numbers and having a spiritual path. There are some who embrace Satan as their god. Not a good choice when it comes to mental health. But look at these immigrant Sikhs who live together and have a purpose of feeding others. “Shit Happens” in every life– but if you have a life framed with a PURPOSE, it greatly reduces the impact of trauma and crisis. Purpose allows you to ride the waves of change and navigate successfully your personal and group’s, “Hero’s Journey.”

Things We No Longer Need

Pimps and Drug Dealers. They destroy women and therefore our future. A “Pimp” is simply another “Titty-Milk Nigger” looking for a woman to take care of him. Usually a victim of growing up in a fatherless home with an “Over Powering Mother” who couldn’t defeat him.

Addicts and Alcoholics. We have more than we need. Learn how to feel a feeling. Stop listening to movies and shows that are all about DRAMA. In fact, turn off the Idiot Box all together.

Gangsters. Do we need more so-called, “Gangsters?” Well… if they mature and become like the Italian, Vietnamese, or Chinese Mafias that actually BENEFIT their cultures and communities, then … okay. But young boys who are demoralized by crime and become life-hating “Necromancers” … no. These guys are too afraid to do crime in the white community. Where are your jobs in the Black community? These assholes stole all the copper out of the buildings and shot the owner.

Big Mommas. Sorry– we’re all full up of, “Big Mommas” who feed their egos on throwing Lewis out the house and beating all the strength out of a boy before he can become a mature man. Why do so many black women hate the men they raise? Slave Code child raising. The Over-Powering Mother is responsible for the Oedipal and Electra Complexes. In short, it is THEY who create Homosexual, Bisexual, and Transsexuals. Learn the importance of Early Childhood Development before you open your legs.

Pimps in The Pulpit. Enough! The Minister/ Priest/ Preacher is an Archetype of The Magician… and this is an especially difficult Archetype to hold. (Doctors, Psychologist, and Teachers are also included.) Archetypes are structures in the human psyche.

"The Magician is the archetype of awareness, inner work, initiation, and healing. Without adequate access to this psychological resource a man will sleepwalk through his life, never asking the questions which can liberate him from his credulity and naivete. He needs the magician within, "the inner shaman", to help him wake up, to give him the keys to access the various inner spaces of the masculine personality, and to help him serve responsibly as a ritual elder for other men."

Religion needs a huge cleaning up and expanding. Christianity once held the responsibility of holding, “The Royal Table For Which ALL Are Called.” They were seduced out of their claim of ownership by embracing racism, sexism, and homophobia. (Let’s not mention money.) Narcissist are prone to gravitating to the pulpit. Men and women who want to lead others so they can feel their adulation and get their money most usually do damage somewhere… regardless if it’s damage to children, women, or to the community, without firmly being rooted in integrity– they will do damage if no more than repeating a very warped version of Post-Civil War theology… the version that oppresses and represses those who seek to be free.

Further reading:

Brain Microchips: Technological devices that are implanted directly into a person’s brain. Such an implant creates an interactive link between the human brain and supercomputers. The purpose of microchipping is to influence the thoughts and behavior of humans without their knowledge and against their free will. The implanted individual can be monitored and controlled anywhere on the globe via satellites. Brain function can be remotely altered through the changing of frequencies. Microchips are manufactured from silicone and, once implanted, almost impossible to detect without specialized equipment and trained personnel. 

Using a RMS (Remote Monitoring System), a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance

Climate Change: It’s going to get too damn hot. Many in the Southern Hemisper are already traveling north for jobs and soil conducive for growing food– yet the Right Wing government of Brazil is burning down the Rain Forest as we speak… so they can raise cows that create more green house gases.

Published by journeyman

“A house divided can not stand.” The United States is currently being pulled apart by a variety of factions– all seeming to vie for power in the most dysfunctional ways aiming for the most Dystopian of futures. This blog aims to look at truthfully at those aspects of life affecting Black Americans… and everyone else currently being brainwashed with ideas and values that are opposite of their best interests. Humans are apes that make myths. Without myths, we don’t function well. We CLEARLY need new myths. View all posts by journeyman

Read “Black Traveler”

PREVIOUSPrevious post:Midlife — “A Setback, is a Setup, for a Comeback!”NEXTNext post:2021- The American Shyt Show Continues

Are black people Black Anymore?

Are we Black anymore… or have we become the Lost Tribes of Black People? Perhaps that’s how we need to look at ourselves now. Clearly we’re no longer a monolithic  group. One tribe could consist of people so frightened by uncertain times that they retreat into one rigid, backwards form of fundamentalism or another. Jungian psychologist James Hillman once said that embracing a religion based solely rules and laws leaves you with nothing when chaos comes except rules and laws.

There could be other tribes–like a tribe of black creative people that functioned as an artist gild–because we desperately need new myths and visons instead of retreating into comfortable fantasies about old, worn out myths that need revising and expanding. Humans are the only animals who live on story. “Without a vision, the people soon perish.”

There could be a tribe of black folks devoted to business and Professionalism. You could join like you join a lodge or a sorority.

Speaking of sorority–another tribe could be just for black women. It’s important to stress that black women are NOT a minority within a minority, but just as in mainstream culture, men cannot help women heal. They need to do that themselves. What black men can do is:

  • Stop hurting/ victimizing black women. We’re already TOO sexualized. All creatures have sex. No big deal–but “man’s search for meaning” needs to grow UP from the groin. (There’s the life sustaining Heart and Mind that needs cultivating and evolving through their stages.)
  • Do the archetypal job of defending the outside perimeter of where women are doing inside doing their work.
  • Provide space… land… a building for them to do their healing work in.
    [Men are tasked with the 3Ps… Providing, Protecting, and Procreation.]
  • Jump feet first in doing Men’s Work… the task of healing ourselves from the many traumas and un-processed grief we carry around… and embracing the many types of men in the tribe that are needed for us to advance.

Another tribe could be made up of criminals and gangsters. It’s important to add that these tribes don’t have to love one another–but they need for both the culture and the individuals within the culture, to agree on goals… a task that needs to be accomplished for the betterment of the whole.

And another for politicians. Many psychologist think of politics as, “one set of triggered complexes fighting against the opposite set of triggered complexes.” The last 40 years has given us the end true investigative journalism, and the end of any vestiges of morality within people running for political office. Black culture that came out of the rural South and stirred into a gumbo The Great Migration north to urban cities also began to end around that time.

Racist Ronald Reagan’s “War on Drugs” was a scandalous war on Black people. Black radio stations and DJ’s began disappearing. The oral tradition of spreading and celebrating the values of black culture was now–in the hands of white corporations… and we’re well aware of how the CIA uses Hollywood, television, the press, print media and now the internet to socially engineer “reality” to people both foreign and domestic.

The sophisticated, complex, world respected music of Jazz was replaced by immature Punk Rock, Grunge, and Gangsta Rap. Black artist who sung praises of love to “precious” black women were replaced by sub-par teenage dropouts “spitting misogynistic rhymes” that said black women were bitches, whores, and Hochies. Unlike all previous generations who knew the power that words vibrate, embraced declaring to the world that they were, “Niggers.” (Niggas, nigs, etc…)

Black small press companies were forced out of business. “Too Much Democracy” was a series of post-1980 policies and actions aimed at destabilizing and demoralizing black people. The draft was over and the military became an all volunteer force so the once, “Citizen Army” was now an, “Army of Imperialism.” Veterans who once could be depended on to defend the community now sought refuge in the identity of Right Wing Conservatism and carrying the same flag that enslaved their forefathers and mothers. Identity crisis? That’s not half the nightmare.

The sell out wasn’t just Gen X going for “Bling” because their Baby Boomer parents could no longer find employment and that, “Too Much Democracy” policies dumping cocaine and cheap guns into our neighborhoods… it was also many non-black Boomers who sold out their 60s and 70s values of humanity for that house in the suburbs and “Just Us” thinking. Combined, these were the corner stones of brainwashing Black people out of… black culture. Why?

We have demonstrated that we are powerful organizers–and the rich oligarchs are terrified at the thought of the masses rising up, pitch forks in hand, and coming for them. Instead of integrating the humanity Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Fanny Lou Hamer, Audre Lorde, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Zora Neale Hurston, A. Philip Randolph, Frederick Douglas, and a list too long to write–the White Power structure decided to slink back into the sewers of racism, murder, and the terrorism of innocent people guilty only of the melanin in their skin. “Divide and Conquer” … the Willie Lynch story. Gone is the awareness that either we come together–or hang alone. (They don’t need lynch mobs anymore– they have Gangsta’s murdering other blacks on streets where they’ve ran off the black business that could have hired them.) We need to also note that there are women on that list of freedom fighters as well as gays, bisexuals, and lesbians.

Sleazy-greasy Snoop Dawg is now mainstream. 50-Cents, Kanye West, boot-licker Lil Wayne, Ice T (…”T” short for “Tom”), Asia Doll (… “Asia”???), Floyd Mayweather, DUMB ASS Shaquille O’Neal, and a list of other shallow, self-loathing/self-centered “black celebrities” who are some of the most troubled turds to have floated out of the black neighborhoods now turned ghettos in great part due to their help, are supporting openly racist con-man Donald Trump because of the ignorance of not knowing–and loving–their real history and culture. Thug Kulture is Borderline Personality Disorder Culture… NOT Black Culture.

The Four Stages of Human Development:

  1. First Stage: Like a baby, “everything is about ME. (In a narcissistic, Social Media brainwashed culture, can many grow out of this stage?) Most days con man, gangster President Trump looks stuck in this stage.) HOW can a standing president of a nation supposedly based on rules and laws openly tell his supporters to break the law by committing acts of violence against anyone who disagrees with him?? But I digress…
  2. Second Stage: Adolescent Stage— Everything is about my group, my gang, my church, my ethnicity, my military. [NOTE: All military societies are adolescent societies.]
  3. Third Stage: Heart Chakra– Here your awareness rises to your heart. You care about the whole school district because your kid goes there and you want other children to have eaten so your kid will have a better time of it. Even if you have no children, you want them to learn something so they won’t be crawling in your back window one day.
  4. Fourth Stage: Crown Chakra– You care about the whole planet too. We’re not going up to Alpha Centauri. This is the only planet we have and the Species Extinction Clock in Times Square is ticking backwards seven years to the point of no return. Seven years goes by fast. Celebrity culture, Social Media, and Hip Hop’s chest beating “Personal Expression” have combined to create an adolescent, malignant narcissistic culture so devoid of bonding with others that we can’t even talk to most people now days…. and if we can’t talk, we can’t solve the small problems, let alone the big ones like species extinction.

Five corporations now control EVERYTHIHNG. The filthy rich convinced Americans that everyone can be rich, so they voted out the policies of the Keynesian Economics (The New Deal) that from 1933 to the early 80s gave Americans the highest standard of living per capita in the world. The Keynesian economy gave us a five day work week, Social Security, and the end of child labor. It made monopolies illegal and taxed the rich. Nobody would get too rich nor too poor. Now we’re facing one of the worse economic crashes in history… butt naked and believing that Socialism is wrong and greedy, racist, corrupt Capitalism is right. Yet while many can’t afford health care, when Trump supposedly got sick with Coronavirus, he got the best medical treatment in the nation… FREE. Likewise do all the Senators and Representatives who work hard to keep us from getting anywhere near the free health care they receive.

W.E.B. Du Bois is arguably the greatest intellectual America has created. Black intellectuals stand shoulder-to-shoulder with any in the world. Yet the corporate media has convinced blacks to, “Let’s Get Stupid.” And the result of embracing Street Life, addiction, and the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure (devoid of joy) has ushered hundreds of thousands into State, Federal, and Privatized Prisons. Prison is designed to dehumanize you and rip out your dignity. Wen released, these convicts return to black neighborhoods with their “Criminal” identity, traumas, and many with shamed sexuality.

Philosophy of W.E.B. Du Bois

They ratchet up the level of Willie Lynch-ism. No longer is their identity tied to the black community… but to criminality.

“… If you lie you’ll cheat,
If you cheat, you’ll steal.
If you steal, you’ll do anything.”

And that’s the ethics they contaminate the culture with. In truth, for many, the culture betrayed them long before they entered prison. How many were left in Foster Care? How many attended rotten schools their parents lazily failed to remove them from? How many grew up in homes where they were beaten and yell at far more than they were shown constructive, nurturing love? How many were taught they could build their own businesses and the importance of creating beauty rather than the soiled graffiti that makes the transit ride uglier than Public Art that lifts us and brings us together.

Black criminals are mostly cowards. They take the easy targets. They end black business by entering and stealing everything they can–even the coper that keeps the business running. “Why go into white neighborhoods or downtown where we stick out?” asked one reformed heroin addict. Later when they want a job, none is there, and they blame the white man. That’s Criminal Thinking… “I get to steal your car because you did something to me.” (Not looked at him/her with deference and unwarranted “respect.”) It’s also a feature of Borderline Personality Disorder— “I get to act out on you because you abandoned me.” Triggered Complexes are not rational.

They also return with the proclivity for Gas Lighting, Gang Stalking, and Scapegoating the most vulnerable instead of confronting the most powerful. So in their jealous rage, their shamed insecurity, they teach and act out predation on other black people. It’s almost like they’ve learn to treat others as the oppressive police and prison system has treated them. Most will lick the boot of any color than black. “Yessa– we’ll get dat nigga”… If you spend more time being against your neighbor than trying to get along with him or her, then YOU have a Personality Disorder and many have said, returnees along with the music that is the movie score in their heads, as sociopaths.

Anyone who is experiencing mental problems and lacks a spiritual practice in something—and Christianity with all its past sins in no way can hold itself out as “the highest” of all paths… especially since the black church has been so silent these past 40 years and its pulpits so full of “Prosperity Theology” and its ministers turned CEOs. So in this Gilded Age of corporate and judicial corruption, a country full of immaturely angry narcissistic and woefully unread citizens voting with their rage over being insignificant and purposeless, are acting just like Karl Marx predicted—voting against their self-interests and asking for their own oppression.

Poor Bi-Polar, Narcissistic Kanye. It’s well known that if a person experiences the Numinus and has no “container” they go crazy. And if they try to gain one afterwards, they’re prone to becoming a jack-leg preacher. “Why go to Theology School–Jesus already ordained me!” These types only become increasingly mired in their crazy narcissism.

Talking with a young black ex-Marine the other day and he told me, “people are looking for a strong man—and they don’t really care if he’s Left or Right.” I was kind of stunned. Dreams for a “Strong Man” is the dream for a dictator. You don’t need external strength–you need to cultivate the strength within you… and in the larger tribe. Amazing how people can be trained to be their own worse enemy.

Healing gifts of Spiritual and Cultural Transformation

Black Americans should be the leaders in taking care of HIV/AIDS patients. Why? Because so many of us continue to be infected with AIDS. Integrity and morality are NOT “purity.” As the Chinese say, “Purity is the thief of morality” … because every human being is a complex mixture of Darkness and Light. Repression holds back growth and transformation and keeps internalized shame blocked in the body-mind and the culture.

We need to be leaders in taking care of Foster Children. Why? disproportionately so many of those Foster Children are black. We need to get more of us getting Masters Degrees in Social Work so we can create non-profits that care for them and hire other black people who done their healing / character building work so that the children won’t be further hurt.

“Bring forth that which is within you,
…and it will save you.
Fail to bring forth that which is within you,
…and it will destroy you.”

As Master Teacher and Black Historian Dr. John Henrik Clarke stated, “We have yet to have a ‘Sacrifice Generation.'” The sermon of the “Fishes and the Loaves” shows how even an incomplete sacrifice reaps bounty to those who give. We are conditioned by this shallow nation to look to “get” all the time, without realizing that our greatest gifts come from giving and sacrificing for family and culture.

Black Americans should be models of what service and gracious hospitality looks like. We’ve spend hundreds of years in bondage waiting on others and caring for each other because there was no one else to care for us. How did our Egos get so lazy and anemic?

And Black Americans need to get off the bullshit and realize we need ALL our tribes and people to bring their gifts to the table. This is a time like no other… a time where if we don’t get it together…. SOON…. the earth may kick Humans off the planet.

We need to evolve into Kings and Queen archetypes… not egotistically… but as maturing people who become Elders capable of joining with other Kings and Queens so that we can create the Royal Table to which ALL belong. Christianity once held out that promise, but it got co-opted by racism and greed by selfish, undeveloped people.

Remember every knight at King Arthur’s Table were equals to each other and the king. The center society… of culture is almost always “Traditional”… heterosexual men and women who raise children to carry on the species. But culture needs to be revitalized… and that’s where the outsiders come in. Those are the ones ones who see what the “normal” people do. They are the readers of tea leaves and those born too sensitive to function smoothly with the mainstream. The artist feel the Zeitgeist first. The artist before the poets and they before the philosophers. Often they are the Queer People. In medieval times, the Lord of the realm would view his serfs and put the most rowdy trouble making boys in the military and the most gentler souls in the monastery.

“Reality” is a construct. That means it’s engineered by the leaders who are powerful enough to do so. Some believe it takes 20 years to change a culture. People depending on television and popular music to give them a sense of culture will fail in navigating through the phases of life. They will not carry their genes on to the next generation–and if they do, the offspring will be wounded and dysfunctional.

“He who does not engineer his destiny
Shall have his destiny engineered for him.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Try again. Fail higher. We are not a people of materialism. Black people are not a people of criminality nor ignorance. We are a CREATIVE, intelligent people We have big hearts and curiosity. We have always worked hard because our ancestors walked out of Africa and peopled the world.

Moving South is Moving BACKWARDS

“Traditional” … fundamentalist culture is not for everyone.
In some ways, my three years in North Carolina made me a better man … if for no other reasons than it taught me where my psychological and emotional weaknesses are, and it showed me clearly, the ignorant, low stupidity that most of American culture is currently trapped in.

Carl Jung defined the Primitive Mind as “Conservative.”
Both the Conservative and the primitive abhor novelty. They fear it. They war against, “The New” and the different. This is why Southerners so love, “Old Time Religion” … Fundamentalism. It’s why they get so angry whenever the thought arises that the Bible was never intended to be read literally … but instead, allegorically … just like its instructions dictate.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 3.04.52 PMThe first paragraph of Chuck Thompson humorous book,“Better Off Without ‘Em” begins:

“Hang out in my living room on any national election night and at some point in the evening, usually around 7 p.m. Pacific time, you’re almost certain to hear me scream something like: “Why in the hell does the United States–and by extension the entire free world, capitalist dominion, and all of Christendom–allow its government to be held hostage by a coalition of bought-and-paid-for political swamp scum from the most uneducated, morbidly obese, racist, morally indigent, xenophobic, socially stunted, and generally ass-backwards part of the country?” ~Chuck Thompson

The minds of black Southerners are just as primitive–if not more–than white Southerners. They fear change. It doesn’t matter if they’re poor or in mental slavery… change is the “unknown” and both will fight you to the death rather than face change. (Nowhere is is so evident that there were more than just a “handful” of “coloreds” who fought FOR the Confederacy during the Civil War.)

Both exhibit great concentrated effort on things of interest to them, but can’t think logically or reason abstractly. They have the ABILITY to be as logical as the rest of modern and post- modern cultures, but they just have different assumptions due to the inability to exert mind over the temptations of the senses. (One of the reasons EVERYTHING to them is about SEX and POWER.)

Southern, “Traditional” culture is about farming… being close to the land.. as is primitive Screen Shot 2016-05-31 at 12.17.39 AMand Agricultural Age society. These cultures are almost unable to separate the inner from the outer. (Aboriginals unconsciously identify and connect with everything.)

One experiences feelings of insanity when trying to discuss complex 21st issues with Conservatives (primitives) for these reasons. They look like everyone else, but their consciousness and their superstitious beliefs are stuck in the 2nd Century. Their unconsciousness and submersion in nature results in they’re living close to the instinctual realm. North Carolinians pride themselves on being, “Instinctual” … as if their Root Women predecessors are still experiencing the chariot driving them … instead of modern man’s conscious mind directing the chariot.) This creates an “unquestionability” about what their mind concludes because instincts are pre-determined modes of behaviors. (i.e. the often heard remark, “God never changes.”)

Consciousness and society rises as we move out of this ream through “reflection, doubts, and experimentations. (CW 8 ¶ 750, Jung and Ecopsychology: The Dairy Farmer’s Guide to the Universe ...)  “Our ability to develop abstract systems, especially systems without a nature base like (modern) Western philosophy after the pre-Socrates (Kemet/Kush a.k.a “Ancient Egypt”) of the primitive living in and through nature.”

So if you move from Seattle, Washington, Los Angeles, or New York TO a small or rural town or city in Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, or Alabama, you’re not just moving to a slower cultural pace… you’re moving CENTURIES back in time.

Yes my friends… there’s a reason why our parents move OUT of the South.
It’s far worse than you can ever imagine. Pretty to look at– but pretty hopeless to integrate into–unless you’re of, “like mind.” Even then, these primitives are exceedingly tribal and hold a fearocious mistrust for anyone they didn’t grow up with.

Do yourself a favor… visit the South and enjoy it’s music, landscape, and colorful whoopin’ and hollarin’ churches… but DO NOT move back to the 2nd Century.

Lots of Opportunity

“Every problem is an opportunity in work clothes.” ~ Henry J. Kaiser.

Yes, I keep repeating it. BE 5
Facebook is a storehouse of complaints. We become addicted to our complaints and dramas. Me too. Instead of keeping up with my blogging, I’ve been looking at the pretty pictures… “Memes”… on Facebook. Ray Bradbury wrote that every fascist society is an image based society.

I’m enjoying the comments here more.
It sounds like people are so fed up that they’re looking, seeking, and actually changing their lives.

Moving, “back south” has been a HUGE change for me. ((chuckle)) It’s pushed on every button I have and it’s forcing me to become more of my true self instead of the the various surface personaes I exhibit in urban life.

In real cities, there’s a natural autonomy. People move in and out constantly. We are able to change our look like we change as our mood changes. We can lead double and triple lives. Not so easy here. ((LOL))

Here? People are NOSY. Complete strangers want to know your business … before they even tell you their first name. If they don’t know your business, they are very happy to make some up for you… AND they’ll next tell YOU who and what you are, based upon the movie going on inside THEIR heads… and get mad at you when you don’t play the role they’ve given you correctly.

I naively thought that people in the country were more… mentally balanced than those in the city.
I don’t know what is going on, but people are bat-shyt crazy everywhere you go… but not EVERYBODY. There are a lot of forward thinkers here… you just have to look harder to connect with them. This is a cliquish culture and North Carolina is different than other Southern states… not a lot different, but each has its own spin on culture.

Eddie Cotton, 82, Hermanville, MS, clears a field for a fall crop of hay, using a 40-yr-old tractor. He is among thousands of black farmers denied federal loans in past years. "They took away my ability to provide for my family," he says of the discrimination. ©Robin Nelson/ZUMA

Eddie Cotton, 82, Hermanville, MS, clears a field for a fall crop of hay, using a 40-yr-old tractor. He is among thousands of black farmers denied federal loans in past years. Real farmers looking for opportunities to market their crops.

The main thing is … life is short, right?
So who am I really and how do I want to live it?
This experience is really teaching me that I AM a “city boy.” I yearn to walk to coffee shops and chat with people about issues. The concept of gossiping bores me. (These are professional gossipers.)

Black people have tons of land down here. But most aren’t doing anything  with it. “The living is easy.” So what are the hurdles that prevent them from growing tons of produce on their land?

  •   It’s HOT. And if the living is easy.. and they can get a job at the bank or teaching, or even working at a big box store, why sweat and toil in all this heat?? (There’s more flying insects than I know names for.)
  • Markets. It’s one thing to grow a crop…. but it’s a whole ‘nuther thing to sell it… and sell it for a good price. Even white farmers deeply enmeshed in the politics of farming have to throw away 45% to 50% of their harvest due to it not “looking right” for modern grocery store chains. (Hey… that discarded food! That is another opportunity too!!)
  • Complaints about no fresh food in black urban neighborhoods.
    HELLO! So if there were more small black owned markets… grocery stores… in Northern, Western, and Midwestern areas, these farmers would have more opportunity to sell.

Don’t get me wrong… there are black men and women farmers who know how to raise a prime crop on 100 acres or more. They know how … and are fully capable. They pride themselves in it. But besides money… what else is there that would attract younger blacks (and others) to raise food and sell it? Well… what motivates us… human beings… to put BF 3our energy into anything?

  1. Young rappers were sold the vision of self-destruction not just with Corporate money…. but with prestige.. EGO… award shows, people clapping for them, adulation.
  2. Vision. They needed to be given a vision that their fantasy would enrich their lives. Most of it was fantasy and a falsehood… but the Social Engineers televised a vision to them where they previously had none. So, is QUALITY OF LIFE, a good and wholesome income, health, and community more attractive than dying young from “lead poisoning,” dysfunction, mental illness, and constant despair?
  3. Fear. Of the two greatest motivators known to mankind… love and fear… FEAR is unfortunately the greatest. “WBF 4hat will you do without THIS???” Or … “This is your only way out!!!” Personally, I think we need to heal from the trauma of fear and terror rather than pumping more… but it’s good to know. Click here to see how John B. Watson changed America and much of the world with it.

There are few to NO places left to run.
Yes, blacks returning South will eventually change this region. But right now…. craZy is everywhere. Again… Americans take 80% of the worlds, psych meds, illegal drugs, and pain killers … and we’re only 14% of the population and there’s more whites on welfare than blacks… and people with the most disposable income use most of the drugs so don’t blame it all on us.

But “crazy” is throughout the continent of Africa, it’s crazy in Asia, Europe, and South America. The WORLD is currently in a “mini-dark ages” because we have sociopaths running it. They tutor each each other in, “Divide and Conquer.” Freud proved that repression doesn’t work… so part of the current insanity is that the consciousness is evolving while people are trying desperately to adhere to false versions of 2nd Century dogma. (But that’s a whole ‘nuther can of, FEAR.)

So the opportunities rest not in fighting the existing models … wrestling with trying to turn windBF 1mills into cantaloupes … no… but in CREATING the “paradise” … the realities …you most desire. People are YEARNING to look over the fence and see a bunch of folks having a good time without pistols and negativity.

From that point on… the trick would be not to fall into the trap of EGO… but rather to link with other like-minds regardless of skin color.

American has a contract with us.
Contracts can always be re-written or broken.

Change Reality

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This Week’s Bounty

Here's this week's kitchen bounty!

Here’s this week’s kitchen bounty!

I wasn’t able to grow all that I planted. This isn’t California. The extremes in temperature, greater irrigation needs, and proper Ph soil balance targeted at specific crops make growing here far more complicated than out West. Plus, nothing was grown on my land for seven years prior to my purchasing it. The poor quality top soil is only about a foot deep– if that. Beneath it is hard pan red clay.

I finally built some raised beds.
I also built, and rebuilt a Hugelkultur. (I actually did it three times. Truly a learning experience.) I’d planned for it to settle this winter and begin planting on it in the spring, but already, nature is having its way with the virgin mound.

Farm Reality

So I bought 10 acres in North Carolina.
In a conservative county within a conservative state.
Yep… a bit of, “Buyers Remorse.”

Building the first Hugkelultur mound

Building the first Hugkelultur mound in a conservative county within a conservative state.Yep… a bit of “Buyers Remorse.”

I love my “farm”
After a year, I’m still amazed when I look out the window and see all these barns and animal houses on my land. It’s like living in a post card. I also love the little “mini-forest” I have out front that sits between my the pasture that fronts the road, and my front yard. But there are hard points too:

  • I should have moved South or Midwest earlier. At 61, I just don’t have the time or desire to do all I need to make this a real farm
  • I need a tractor, but I’ve already decided to move to Northern Virginia sometime in the next 2 or 3 years. (So I’ll hire that work out.)
  • The ground here needs a lot of work. The home was vacant for 7 years before I bought it. About a foot and a half beneath the topsoil rests hard pan clay.
  • The culture. I came to the Deep South expecting racism. Being retired, I’m sheltered from a lot of that because I don’t have to kiss anyone’s behind just to make a living. But I was not expecting the worst difficulties to come from other black people.

Mr. Gilmore’s Plantation
Another thing the North Carolina culture is teaching me is the depths of internalized racism and the legacy of slavery. Many of the first slaves were brought in through South Carolina. The Klan still has three strong groups here in N.C. But on the surface, most whites are “friendly” … but they get their niggras to do their dirty work for them.

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
It’s deep here. Transplants to the state are not only regarded as, “outsiders” … but far worse is the label, “Intruders.”
Currently the U.S. is boiling in a stew of Narcissism that like untreated trauma turns into Personality Disorders, the age of narcissism has turned into “The Age of Loneliness.” It’s not just here, it’s throughout the Westernly influenced  world of modernity. So, many of the blacks inherent not only the dysfunctional and painful legacy of slavery, but also local attitudes of “Us against Them” newcomers. Trust me… it’s a Crab Barrel here, and you’ll encounter no shortage of miserable people eager to tear you down.

Women and The Karma of NeoCon/ Libertarian/ Tea Party Politics
Black women are the fastest rising prison population. “Federal studies show that the number of white, black, and Hispanic women who classified themselves as regular drinkers jumped significantly between the 1990s and early 2000s, and Gallup pollsters have consistently found that the more wealthy and educated a woman is, the more likely she is to drink.” Gallop also found that media fueled anger towards men has also dramatically increased Lesbianism and a general hostility towards men. In short, Attachment Issues, T.V. shows like, “Scandal,” Hip Hop culture, oppression, and economics has greatly changed the way black men and black women relate. Often, if you’re a black male, when you arrive in the Deep South, you will be tested in an aggressive way by all… but the worst… you’ll encounter is from black females. This was a huge surprise.

While this was a huge surprise, it all fits in with the Karma of the Republican Right Wing agenda that has been in warp drive since the early 1980s. Social Engineering basically follows the agenda of the Norman Conquest of, “Divide and Conquer.” (In the black community, we rationalize it with the “Willie Lynch Letter.” Perhaps only good fiction, but it illustrates the way the Normans made the Brits slaves in their own land for over 200 years. All this was mapped out by Plato in, “The Republic” and all nations seem to use it to keep the ruling class in place and the masses fighting amongst each other.)

Buying ‘Back South’
In short, I was tired when I bought here. I just wanted to move in and buy a place before home prices rose. Not researching an area before relocating is listed as one of The Five Mistakes Retirees Make when buying a home. I see that I’m still basically an urbanite, and moving rural will push on you in more ways than you can imagine. The way people think they have the RIGHT to be nosy about you… they way they think they can vote on your right to breath their air, and the jealousy that some with lesser education will view you as, is remarkable. My advise is to look for the most liberal and progressive counties to move into, and rent six months to a year before buying a new home in another state.

My Hugelkurtur Mound is Finished!

Building the first Hugkelultur mound

Building the first Hugkelultur mound


I built it, tore it down. Gathered more material … branches, dead logs, newer branches, leaves, compost… then rebuilt it.. and then noticed it was pointing in the wrong direct. So I tore it down and rebuilt it. Then realized I should have kept it in the first position. So I left it… and decided to build another one East/West. Because I’ve learned from struggling with the first one.

Fall has finally arrived in North Carolina. Growing here has different challenges than in California where it was easier. My 10 acres used to be a 22 acre working farm. (I’ve even found a hidden room in the front barn that was no doubt used to hide illegal moonshine during the 1930s.) The land was not worked for over 7 years prior to my buying the property. The soil is hard and sometimes a bit rocky. White granite is everywhere. Less than two inches beneath the topsoil is hardpan red clay. But… it’s my land. It produced before… and it will again.

In the meantime, I’ve built raised beds. That too was a learning experience. I’d ordered four yards of compost/topsoil mix. Toting it from the pile into the raised beds was tougher than I thought … because I did it this summer and summer here in North Carolina is hot. Hot is bad enough, but the humidity! Oh man… I would work for 2-4 hours and then stagger into the house and lay drenched on the kitchen floor… eventually forcing myself to get up and drink some water, for as Les Brown says, “if you fall down, pray that you land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get back up.”

It’s not the biggest accomplishment in the world… but it’s one I’ve dreamt of doing for years. I’m 61 years old, tired, and bruised. Recently I’ve discovered that my central nervous system was all but shot. I’m going to have to commit to three years of yoga and exercise. I’m going to have to change the way I think about desire… for desire is a hell realm, different from passion. I suppose that it’s also a lot about WHAT you desire. As a black man, I learned a lot of whack ideas about sex and desire. What I learned, can shorten a man’s life, erode his mental health, and leave him open for sickness. (NOT the ideas an 18 year old… nor even a 25 year old is ready to accept.) But just as age is a gift, it’s also a season to reap the karma of all the choices, thoughts, and actions of a lifetime… and I feel them lodging in my body.

“Every problem is an opportunity in work clothes.” (~Henry J. Kaiser) So I could run to the VA and ask for some pills that will do nothing but mess me up more and hook me into Big Pharm, or I can reevaluate my diet. Give up the coffee and the sugary cakes and pies I love so much. By deciding to follow my passions … writing, gardening, and travel… I will have to get back into physical shape to do so… and gracefully, in doing so, extend both the longevity and the quality of my life.

Creating Your Farm Garden Life

Moving to a rural farming community is to come faced with how creative many farmers are. It’s not just the choices made in designing their lands … positioning their crops… color choices of barns and out buildings… it’s the very act of intention. “I will now grow something that is of use to myself and others.”

I listened to “Julie Burstein: 4 lessons in creativity” because I need to search for things that feed my “Creative Mind” as many times a week as possible and in today’s world, we are inundated with media choices that excite every part of us other than our creativity. “Consume.. be at war with others … sooth your anxieties with shopping, drugs, and porn in the attempt to safely satisfy our need for human passion.”

100 yr pot put bak with gold lacqureBurstein used Japanese Raku to illustrate that in the process, we often have to let what happens—happen. (Click on the link above and view the video.) Wonderful things come out letting go of our need for safety… of being “right”… of being aware of that there are things I can control and things I have to let go of … because they happen all the time. The weather, deer eating what I don’t want them to eat… a ground hog or an owl in barns where I don’t want them to be.  “Creativity grows out of everyday experiences… including letting go. It also grows out of the broken places and the best way humans learn is through stories,” states Burstein. To tell those stories… through art, writing, sculpture, dance, is to be aware that all stories, novels, and songs are somehow about Attachment and the lack thereof, so putting other people at the center of your work. Burstein list four aspects we truly need in our alienated world in order to create the life we wish to move manifest… to create:

  1. Pay attention to the world around us…experience life instead of cell phones and twitter posts. Being open to the experience to what might change you is the first thing you must embrace.
  2.  Embrace—not necessarily overcome—your challenges… learn from them instead of being destroyed or turned off by them. Some artist’s most powerful work comes out of elements of life that are the most difficult. Acceptance leads to wisdom.
  3. Embrace loss—looking squarely at rejection, at war, at heartbreak, and at death… standing between what we see and what we hope for. (“The tragic gap is inevitable”… but you can hold the tension that comes out of it and create something beautiful.) Pushing up against the limits of what you can do can help you find your own voice, as well as your own genre.
  4. And of course opening to your passions. The need to get to work … that sense of urgency. The passionate obstinacy that compels us to create something out of our experience… cathartic in its transformation of trauma or symbolic in its beauty.”

Don’t let worries about not being perfect or strong or smart enough stop you. Forget about finding the PERFECT place that will have perfect neighbors. Inperfection is “perfect” for the creative person. That one-hundred year old Japanese pot that still shows the creators fingerprints was made more beautiful because when it was broken, the owner put it back together with gold lacquer … emphasizing the broken places… and hence, it’s story is still worthy of being told. What’s yours? What will be the story that leads you to plant a seed in your urban, suburban, or rural garden? Who will come to share the meal… a blue bird… an old tired aunt… a child not yet born?